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Terms used throughout the library.

Name Type Description Example
midi_num str 60
note str C4
note_name str C
octave int 4
pitch_class int 0
midi_nums list[int] [60, 48]
notes list[str] [C4, C3]
midi_nums_str str 60-48 or 60-48_62-52
note_str str C4-C3 or C4-C3_D4-E3
midi_nums_list list[list[int]] [[60, 48], [62, 52]]
notes_list list[list[str]] [[C4, C3], [D4, E3]]
chord_type str unison
type_num int 1
type_id int Same as type_num
type_num_str str 1*1
chord_types list[str] [ unison, unison ]
duration str 1m
durations list[str] [1m, 1m, 1m, 1m]
duration_str str 1m_1m_1m_1m
template list[int] An array of 12 pitch classes starting at C [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]
template_str str 101010101010
rotation list[int] A template transposed by any number of steps
freq float 440.0
voicing list[str] A notes_list
chord Chord A set of notes
progression Progression A sequence of chords with durations